About Us

About - Hype Candy - Ooh, Piece of Candy.

We are a family-run candy business, with all of our family members having input into which products to sell and how the company grows.

The youngest being only nine years old, Our son Jack knows what kids around his age likes & wants,

Our 16-year son Ryan knows what's hot and what's not on teen flavours and products,

Then there's 20-year-old Callum, who has attention to detail along with a young entrepreneurial mindset,

Along Side Mum (Laura AKA the BOSS) Keeps us all on a tight leash to keep us on track, using her fine-tooth comb making sure things are tip-top.

Then there is me, Dad (Jay AKA The Minion), Collecting ideas from the family, pushing the boys to excel in their departments, then collectively making sure we provide unrivalled customer service and top products to our consumers.